From Stanmore station to Stanmore Common through Stanmore Country Park
Map above reproduced by permission of Geographers' A-Z Map Co.
Ltd. (c)Crown Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Licence number
The route follows the line of the London Loop connector path, which is well marked with direction arrows.
From Stanmore Common to Stanmore Little Common, Stanmore Common and Stanmore Station (this is the downhill direction!)
Follow Brewer's Path (see Stanmore Common map) to its southern end, where it terminates on a metalled path with the fence of house gardens directly ahead. Turn left, as indicated by the London Loop
arrows. Soon the path turns sharp right, again indicated by a London Loop arrow, to emerge on a gravel road in Stanmore Little Common. Don't follow the road. Rather, as indicated by the London Loop fingerpost, follow the left hand edge of the grass, so that the woodland is immediately on your left. There is no obvious path here, just walk on the grass. At the end of the grassy area, where a prominent rhododendron bush lies directly ahead, a grassy ride opens to the left: turn into this. A pond now appears on the right: this is one of the ancient Spring Ponds. Descend to the Spring Pond. On reaching the low, single rail fence around the pond turn left and, keeping the fence to your immediate right, walk around to emerge on Wood Lane at the point where Dennis Lane descends straight ahead of you.
Cross with care and descend Dennis Lane. Opposite number 51 is a 5 bar gate and a kissing gate that lead into Stanmore Country Park. Go through then follow the wide path that leads downhill. The route to follow is clear as it crosses a grassy ride and then continues downhill through woodland to eventually reach a wide bridge of railway sleepers over a small stream. Cross the stream and immediately turn left. There is a London Loop arrow marking this junction, but it can be obscured by nettles. The path climbs, steeply at first then more gently. At a junction a path leaves on the right; keep straight ahead. At another junction where a grassy path leaves on the left keep straight on. When you meet a grassy path at a T junction turn right. After a few feet the path divides: fork right and descend slowly through woodland, going straight ahead at a crossroads of paths, passing a bizarre pink cat silhouette on a tree, to reach a brick electricity substation on the right. Bear right to reach the gate onto Kerry Avenue. Follow this straight ahead to the station.
From Stanmore Station to Stanmore Country Park, Stanmore Little Common and Stanmore Common (involving significant ascent).
Cross the main road and follow Kerry Avenue to its northern end to enter Stanmore Country Park. Follow the path north but very soon, immediately after a brick electricity substation on the left, turn left. Follow the path as it climbs gently uphill. At a crossroad of paths go straight ahead. A path joins from the right as you emerge onto a grassy path; almost immediately afterwards you take a left fork. At another junction where a grassy path leaves to the right keep straight ahead between a large oak tree on the right and a smaller hornbeam tree on the left. The path drops at first gently and then more steeply. A path leaves to the left but keep on the main path until you see on the right a wide bridge of railway sleepers over a little stream. There is a London Loop arrow marking this junction, but it can be obscured by nettles. Cross the bridge and follow the path on the other side which ascends steadily through woodland and eventually reaches an open grassy ride, with a view of Springbok House away to the right. Cross the grassy ride and continue on the wide path to emerge on Dennis Lane.
Cross over Dennis Lane to reach the pedestrian pavement, then turn right and follow Dennis Lane uphill until the junction with Wood Lane. Walk straight ahead through a gap in the low single rail fence to enter Stanmore Little Common. Follow the path which very soon reaches an open space with a picnic table. Bear left and continue over grass towards a house, with one of the Spring Ponds on your left. At a square rubbish bin turn right to follow the grassy ride, taking the right hand of the two gaps (between a rhododendron bush on the left and gorse on the right). Turn sharp left, still on grass, whereupon a row of houses appears. Bear right, keeping to the right hand edge of the grass, with woodland on your immediate right, making for a fingerpost indicating the London Loop. Pass a metal barrier and an ancient green metal post. Grove Field, a sports ground, is ahead of you. As indicated by the London Loop arrow turn sharp left and follow a metalled path. When told to do so by a green London Loop arrow and a yellow Bentley Priory Circular Walk arrow, turn right to emerge on the banks of Brewers Pond within Stanmore Common. You are now on Brewer's Path in Stanmore Common (see Stanmore Common map).
If you have comments or corrections please
email Steve Bolsover.
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