Harrow Nature Conservation Forum
Links to national sites giving specific information on aspects of natural history
The Bat Conservation Trust is the leading NGO solely devoted to the conservation of bats and the landscapes on which they rely
The Botanical Society of the British Isles is a great source of information about plants.
Herpetofauna Workers Manual by Gent and Gibson. Link to a PDF download of this useful out of print text for conservation of amphibians and reptiles.
Natural England's mapping service
National Biodiversity Network - for maps of species occurrence in Britain
Natural England is the government’s advisor on the natural environment.
Sylva is an environmental charity helping trees and people grow together.
They host a useful
Woodland Wildlife Toolkit
UK Biodiversity Action Plan
(on Joint Nature Conservation Committee website)
Click here for London Biodiversity Action Plan
Click here for Harrow Biodiversity Action Plan
National Wood Ant Steering Group
A site devoted to our unusual resident ant
The Woodland Trust
A useful calendar showing when events
occur so we can monitor shifts due to climate change
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